CHANGEMENT DE STATUT  – Etudiant a Salarie & Work Permits 

What work permit should one apply in France after their studies?

This article addresses the details of different types of work permits commonly given to students who studied in France upon finding employment. If you found a job you need to apply to your prefecture of residence for “Changement de Statut – Etudiant a Salarie”.

NOTE: One can also get these types of visas while having not studied here in France. But that won’t be covered in this article.

 Two important points to consider before going further.

1) One SHOULD complete their degree they came here to study for. Without this the work permit application will be rejected.

2) One CANNOT change their field of job from what they studied. Ex: John Doe came here to study MBA, john was a good chef at home so he decides to join a famous 5 star hotel in Paris as a chef, the work permit application of john will get rejected in this situation.


CDI – contrat de travail à durée indéterminée – an indefinite period contract.

This is the best case scenario for someone to get a job here.

One who gets this job usually gets a 1 year visa which is renewed to 4 years visa during renewal and so on. Or one directly gets a 4 year visa (this might different according to different prefectures and types of visa types).

Note the trial period involved in this category, if an employer decides to terminate the contract during the trial period (période d’essai ), the work permit is NO longer valid and one must redo the application process again with the new employer (after finding another job). After the trail period, the company usually will not fire their employees (conditions apply).

There are three main categories of visa for this situation. (increasing order of salary and benefits)


1) Salarié – One must have a minimum monthly gross salary of 2,281.82 €, for applying a work permit. Anything below this cannot qualify to full time work permit after studies. This visa also will be for 4 years upon first renewal.


2) Passport talent – salarié qualifié – Anyone having salary above yearly gross salary of 36,509.20 € or above will qualify for this category. Both 1) 2) and 3) categories get 4 year cards as mentioned above but the benefit of having this and 3) type is that the spouse or kids of these permit holders can apply for dependant visa from home country directly and come to France with a work permit. Whereas in type 1) the permit holder must wait for 18 months and apply for OFII application for regroupment familial. 


3) Passport talent – Emploi hautement qualifié (EU BLUE CARD) – Anyone having a salary scale above yearly gross salary of 53,836.50 € can apply for this, the benefits of this remain the same as passport talent but gives a EU wide work permit after 2 years in France.

Scientific visas are different and people on CDD with scientific contracts can have passport talent as well. 


CDD – contrat de travail à durée déterminée – an definite period contract.

Excluding scientific category, everybody else who get a CDD contract (after student status limits – 964hours/year) can get a Salarié Travailleur Temporaire visa which is not the best case for people who are willing to stay back longer in France and look for permanent jobs.

APS will not be given after a CDD work permit as mentioned above. So one can only stayback on pole emploi’s unemployment benefits. One can work on a CDD however on a student visa or APS with respect to 964 hours per year limit

How to apply ?

    1. The first step is to send an email to your prefecture requesting for an appointment.
    2. Here’s a list of documents required for the process: 
        1. To be prepared by you:

         Passport size photos (3)

         Photocopy of your passport (all stamped pages)

         Photocopy of your Visa (APS)

         Address proof:

                  1. If you are living in a colocation, ask your landlord/landlady to provide you with attestation d’hébergement (proof of residency), lID of the andlord/landlady, electricity bill/internet bill
                  2. If you are renting a place all by yourself, a recent electricity bill (in your name) and quittance de loyer(rent receipts) of the last 3 months.

         Photocopy of Diploma

         Photocopy of CV / Resume

         Photocopy of CDI / CDD (more than 6 months’ duration).

         Photocopy of recent Bulletin de paie (salary slip). 

        1. To be provided by the company:

         Formulaire Cerfa N°15186*03.


         Status of the Company/employer.

         Document of social contribution (tax document).

         Letter of motivation from the employer behind hiring you.

         List of applicants for the post.

Upon submission of all these documents, you will receive a Recepisse / APS valid for 3 months before your card titled “Titre de Sejour – Salarie” is ready.

You will have to take a stamp of 269 Euros when you revisit the prefecture to collect your card.

Note: If in case the card “Titre de Sejour – Salarie” is not ready before your Recepisse / APS expires, you can request for a renewal at the same prefecture and will need only the following documents for it:

     Photocopy of passport (all stamped pages).

     Photocopy & original Recepisse / APS.

     Passport size photo.

     Address proof:

      1. If you are living in a colocation, ask your landlord/landlady to provide you with attestation d’hébergement (proof of residency), ID of the landlord/landlady, electricity bill/internet bill
      2. If you are renting a place all by yourself, a recent electricity bill (in your name) and quittance de loyer (rent receipts) of the last 3 months.