1. In France, your « Titre de Sejour » becomes one of the most used documents for be it an ID proof, address proof, etc. So, it is recommended that it should always be updated with the latest address of your residence in France.
  2. You need to take an appointment with the préfecture of your location for “Changement d’adresse”.
  3. Here is the list of documents required:
  1. Photocopy of your passport (all pages that are stamped).
  2. Photocopy and original of your Visa.
  3. Photocopy of birth certificate translated in French (not always required but it is good to keep it handy).
  4. Passport size photos (3).
  5. Address proof:
    1. If you are living in a colocation, ask your landlord/landlady to provide you with attestation d’hébergement (proof of residency), ID of the landlord/landlady, electricity bill/internet bill
    2. If you are renting a place all by yourself, a recent electricity bill (in your name) and quittance de loyer (rent receipts) of the last 3 months. 
  6. Once your card is ready, you need to go with a stamp of 19 Eurosto collect your new card.